#44 Natural wine – art or agriculture? Claudia Sontheim from Origine Natural Wines

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Welcome to Regnfang’s new podcast series on natural wine. For those listeners who are already familiar with the Regnfang podcast, this theme might be a bit puzzling. After all, our podcasts normally tap into the topic of the human mind by interviewing scientists, authors, and artists. What does natural wine has to do with this topic?

For us, natural wine has everything to do with the human mind—ranging from the work in the fields, the vinification, and the drinking of it. We are personally deep admirers; fascinated by the people who make it and the profound experiences these wines offer.

Throughout the years, one question has returned to us again and again: is natural wine an art form, or is it merely an agricultural product? This is an intriguing question, and we pose it to producers and importers of natural wine in the present series. This will take you on a journey around Europe, between cities like those of Paris and Munich, to the countryside of Southern France. 

In this episode, you will meet Claudia Sontheim. Claudia has been a part of the European natural wine scene for many years, both in importing wines and in running restaurants and eateries. Today, she is in charge of the wine shop, Origine Natural Wines, which sells wines online and in shop at their new address in Berlin. We really, really recommend the assortment at Origine Natural Wines. It is incredible.

Check out Origine Natural Wines here: https://origine-kiosque.de/ 

We hope you enjoy the interview as much as we did!

Natural wine